A Victory for Women

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June 28, 2021

kamala harris, equality in america, biden/harris 2020, bipartisanship, american flag

Saturday was one of the most historical moments of our lifetime. I personally do not like talking about politics on my blog because I believe every person is entitled to their own opinion and I’m not here to argue. I can agree with policies on both sides and I think it’s important for Democrats and Republicans to work together to meet in the middle and pass laws that are for the benefit of the majority of Americans. Basic human rights should not be a part of politics and I think that’s part of what created such a divide the past four years. Party lines aside, this election put a woman in the white house and as a woman, it feels like a long-overdue victory. What’s more, Kamala Harris is a Black woman of Indian descent. Many communities now have representation in a place that has been home to almost exclusively white men.

When Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away this year, there was a lot of drama surrounding her replacement. Our president selected Amy Coney Barrett for that seat. Unsurprisingly, he chose a conservative, but I was very pleased to learn that he selected a woman. I saw memes circulating about her stance on reproductive rights and how a woman being in this position is not helpful if she fights to take away the rights of women. I can absolutely understand that, but at the same time, women are allowed to have their own views and opinions. There are women in this country who are conservative and there are women who are more liberal. Who’s to say one woman’s opinion matters more than another’s? The fact is, Amy Coney Barrett has worked hard in her career and is now in a position that she has likely dreamed of. Whether she won by vote or was appointed, women have continued representation on the supreme court. And I think it’s important to recognize the bipartisan positives in such a polarizing time.

The same should be said for Kamala Harris, no matter what side you’re on. Women deserve a voice just as much as men and we’re finally seeing progress on that front. Just 55 years ago Black women were not allowed to vote. Today, a Black woman is the Vice President-Elect. How did she get there? With the help of Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Ruby Bridges, Stacey Abrams, and so many more women who fought for our rights. As a woman of color myself, this is personal for me. I’ve been discriminated against, disrespected, and underpaid throughout my life. This feels like a milestone in the fight for gender equality, as well as the fight for racial equality.

While I will continue to vote based on my own beliefs and opinions, I do think it’s important to recognize the rise of women–particularly women of color–in power. This country is extremely diverse in its population and the members of our government should reflect that. While the Democratic nominee did earn more votes than the Republican nominee, over 70 million people voted Republican. Those 70 million people matter just as much as the 80 million who voted for Biden/Harris and I think it’s important that some semblance of respect be restored–on both sides.

Democrats and Republicans will always disagree. But I hope there’s at least one thing we can agree on: a woman of color in the White House is a victory for all women, for all people of color. And it’s a victory that has been 100 years in the making.

Do you see this as a victory for women?

Photo by Ryan Carpenter.