Black Friday Shopping Tips: Guest Post by Harper Yi

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January 10, 2014

Editor’s Note: So I usually don’t allow guest posts on Lush to Blush, but I came across Harper’s blog and read an amazing post on black Friday shopping tips. She is seriously a pro, and I just had to share her expertise with you all! So I asked her to guest post and the following is what she sent over. Let me just say: I love it! She has really mastered the art of Black Friday Shopping! Thank you, Harper, for your amazing tips and tricks!


Hello lovely Lush to Blush readers! My name is Harper and I normally blog over at Harper Honey, but Megan has asked me to share some Black Friday tips with you guys, since I’m an absolute Black Friday fanatic. Last year, I saved over 40% on over $600 worth of merchandise from everywhere from Old Navy to Kate Spade. Today I’m here to share with you the importance of not shopping alone. Granted, there are plenty of great reasons not to shop alone—it’s very much a social activity. On Black Friday though, it’s more than just a social activity—it’s a strategic necessity!

Divide and Conquer

When at a shopping mall it’s often best to split up and cover ground faster. The quicker you can maximize those beginning hours of Black Friday, the better your chances of maximizing your doorbuster deal savings. Split off in the early hours to different target stores with each other’s shopping lists. Coordinate purchases via text if necessary and save your receipts so that you can handle paying each other back once you’ve returned home with the spoils.

Consolidate Trunk Trips

As much as you love all the things you’ve bought at the mall, chances are, those heavy shopping bags are going to weigh you down. Take turns every half hour to hour meeting up with your girls and dropping the goodies off at the car so that your shopping can go unhampered by bulky shopping bags on each arm!

Defeat Long Lines

More than once, you will walk into a store and the line for the register will wrap around the store and end a few paces in front of the door. When that happens, it’s important to have at least one other person with you in the store so you can tag-team shop. One of you immediately gets in line upon entering the store while the other person shops. Then you swap. The result is, you each hold each other’s place in line while you shop and get through the store twice as fast!

Those are my top 3 reasons to shop with at least one buddy on Black Friday. I’ve gleaned these strategic tips over years of Black Friday shopping. It’s a really intense experience, so it’s fun to share with a friend anyway.  Hopefully you’ll be able to share the rush of getting a great deal!

Do you have any Black Friday shipping tips?

 Top image via Steve Rhodes, flikr