Blog Talk: Pivoting for a New World

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October 20, 2020

pivoting in a pandemic, how to adjust to a new world

Most of us probably did not understand the gravity of how much our world would change when we first heard about COVID-19. I certainly didn’t. I tried to buy plane tickets to Japan for cherry blossom season back in February. Ryan was like, “I think there’s this virus over there. It seems pretty bad.” While I might not have udnerstood back then, there’s no denying now that we have to adjust to this new normal. No matter who you are, an adjustment must be made. For me, that means a huge shift in my lifestyle. 2020 was supposed to be my year of travel. I averaged at least 5-6 international trips a year already and my plan was to amp it up even more this year. That plan drastically changed and I haven’t left the country in almost a year at this point – something I never could have comprehended in 2019.

But the world has changed and life must go on. So instead of traveling, I bought a condo. My blog content has changed from luxury world travels to new furniture and paint. As the world changes, so do we–all of us. That’s why it’s in our best interest to pivot. Instead of worrying about my travel audience unfollowing me for posting about something else, I had the realization that they can’t travel either. Just like my life was changing, so was theirs. So why not change together? Everyone has to live somewhere, right? So instead I focused on creating a home that feels like an exotic luxury hotel. I was stunned to see that my home content got even more traction than many of my other posts on Instagram.

In fact, even more so than my content shift, there has been a shift in my daily work. Before the pandemic hit, I had a steady flow of sponsored content coming in that balanced well with my design work. I posted on my blog 2-3 times a week, and was active on Instagram. But once the world began to realize things will probably never go back to how they were before, I got a huge influx of design work. People are finally pursuing their passions and starting their own businesses, blogs, and more. Bloggers are taking this as an opportunity to go full-time and invest in themselves. And I am relishing the opportunity to help lift up other women on their journey to becoming more independent than ever.

This is all to say that we’re all pivoting right now. If you don’t feel right posting about makeup looks right now, then switch it up and focus on skincare. If you can’t help but spread the word on Black Lives Matter or the importance of voting, then follow your gut. Your audience is likely going through a similar transition in their own lives. After all, authenticity is always the most important factor when it comes to blogging.

Have you changed the way you blog and create content in 2020?

Photo by Ryan Carpenter.