Blog Talk: Work Life Balance

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January 20, 2020

how to achieve work life balance, work-life balance, blogging tips

Achieving a balanced life is not easy, especially when you’re self-employed or have more than one job. But work life balance is one of the most important topics today. In addition the grueling work conditions and demanding corporate culture of many companies in this country, one of the biggest contributing factors to the incredibly unbalanced lives most of us lead is social media. Whether you work in digital media or not, spending time on social media is taking away from the time you could be spending actually living your life.

It’s so ironic, we spend so much time working, earning that next paycheck – for what? So we can spend our free time scrolling through other people’s highlight reels comparing ourselves to them? So we can take photos to show everyone how happy we are – even though the photos are completely staged? Since this is a Blog Talk post, and I am a full-time blogger, I’m going to focus on my own perspective, but I think my points can apply to any industry. Whether you’re a doctor saving lives every day or sharing your top #nsale picks, forgetting about yourself and what’s best for you is never ok.

how to achieve work life balance, work-life balance, blogging tips

In 2015 I shifted my focus. Instead of living to work, I started working to live. And you know what? The quality of my work improved. I started doing the things I always dreamed of–like traveling–and my life was transformed. As a result, my content changed for the better. I was able to be more genuine in sharing my true passions. You know that quote “A weekend well spent brings a week of content”? I always read that as content – like blog content. And it’s true. Taking that time to recharge, connect with people, and unplug only brings positive changes.

We need to get away from the mentality where we prioritize emails and Instagram posts over friends, family, and our own mental health. We can blame the Instagram algorithm all we want, and they do deserve some of the blame, but now that I don’t get likes no matter what I do, it’s actually been easier to step away and not give a shit. Don’t get me wrong, I still work hard on my blog, on web design, and for my consulting clients. But never again will I let work come before my happiness. No matter what.

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How do you achieve work life balance?

Photo by Ryan Carpenter.

Read more in the Blog Talk series here.