How to Get the Most out of Smudging
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November 22, 2022
One of the most important factors to enjoying life and being truly happy is mindset. You know those people that always find something to complain about or something negative to say? No one wants to be that person. It can be easy to get caught up in the negative – especially right now. But adjusting your mindset is something anyone can do. You just have to be willing to put in the work.
Smudging for Beginners
Smudging, or burning sage, benefits everyone. Whether you’re in a funk or just always looking for ways to elevate your life, the sage burning ceremony will bring positive energy to those who seek it.
One of my favorite ways to stay positive is setting intentions and being present: two of the biggest keys to successful smudging for beginners. I’ll be honest, smudging is definitely something new for me; I’m no expert. But I have found it to be so rewarding. It enhances my life in ways I didn’t expect. What first drew me to smudging was the beautiful sage and palo santo bouquet created by a local artist (I even got to pick which crystal I wanted for my bouquet!), but the burning sage benefits of smudging are what kept me. Shout out to my friend Paola for introducing me to this wonderful ritual!
In order to get as much info out as possible, I’m answering a few common questions on how to get the most out of smudging:
What is smudging?
Smudging is the cleansing ceremony of burning sage that removes negative energy and invites positive energy in its place.
What is your smudging process?
I start with a short meditation to get into the smudging mindset. I disconnect from my to-do list and the usual day-to-day to become fully present. I then make a mental list of the intentions I want to set for myself, the coming week, the different spaces in my home, etc. I then light the sage bouquet and let it burn for a few seconds. I start by smudging myself: I move the bouquet from my feet up to above my head and back down again. I surround myself in the smoke and think about my intentions for the coming week. I often think about improving my work/life balance, taking better care of myself physically, and being kind to everyone I meet.
I like to smudge with Ryan, so he goes after me. When we are together, we share our intentions out loud with each other. We then walk through each room, corner to corner, speaking our intentions for each room. So for example, in the kitchen, we say things like “this space is the warm and welcoming heart of our home. We enjoy cooking together here and nourishing our bodies with healthy foods.”
How often should I be smudging?
You can smudge as often or as little as you’d like, from every day to before/after big life milestones. A good plan to start getting into a routine of smudging is weekly or monthly to start your week or month off with positivity and good energy.
Why is smudging beneficial?
Smudging brings your intentions and goals to the forefront of your mind. As with anything in life, you get out what you put in. The more thoughtful and intentional you are with your smudging, the more benefits you will see.
What are the benefits of smudging?
Smudging cleanses negative energy from a space and from within. Smudging can be used as a fresh start, after a negative experience, to get out of a rut, and more. The ceremony requires the setting of intentions, resulting in an energy shift.
I’ve found smudging to be a very refreshing experience. I try to do it weekly, but life happens and sometimes I’m not consistent. However, if I ever feel like I’m having a bad day or if Ryan and I are feeling off, smudging always helps. It keeps me accountable in my positivity and helps me stay on track of the lush life I want to live.
Maria Kossman
January 21, 2022 @ 5:14 pm
The hardest part, I find, is really disconnecting when the to-do list is spinning in your mind until you complete it. Thank you for the post!
Megan Elliott
January 24, 2022 @ 9:39 am
I completely agree. That’s always so hard for me too. Which gives me motivation to do it even more! 🙂
Gina Santamaria
January 23, 2022 @ 10:06 am
Love this post. And what a beautiful, unique bouquet you have! Thanks for this inspiration. I’m going to incorporate smudging more often into my weekly routine!
Megan Elliott
January 24, 2022 @ 9:39 am
Do it!! 🙂 and thank you! This beautiful bouquet makes the whole process even more enjoyable!
Stefanie Meyer
January 23, 2022 @ 11:51 am
I’m so glad you reminded me about this because I’ve been meaning to do it for the new year!
Megan Elliott
January 24, 2022 @ 9:39 am
Omg yes!! Such a perfect time to do it!
January 24, 2022 @ 8:29 am
I’ll be honest and say that I’ve never truly understood the purpose behind smudging, so it was neat to read your post and learn about it more. I don’t typically care for the scent of the sage cleanse but if I could smudge with other smells, I might consider it! Your bundle here is so pretty!
Megan Elliott
January 24, 2022 @ 9:38 am
There are actually quite a few other herbs you can use for smudging! I know sweetgrass, frankincense, and cedar can be used, just to name a few. I think it’s such a refreshing ritual. And thank you!! I got it from a local Atlanta artist and it is just beautiful!