Family Cook Out

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south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

So if you’re a regular reader here, you might have noticed that I haven’t posted in a week. I have some major medical issues in my family right now and as we fight the fight, I’ve come to realize what really matters in this life. Anyone who knows me knows that I work 24/7. I never stop. But going through this has made me realize that I need to take a step back and focus on family.

I spent over a week in Birmingham at the hospital there and despite the horrible circumstances, it was so nice to spend some time together with the people who matter most to me. This past weekend we had a family cookout and enjoyed each others’ company over great food and lots of wine.

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time

south moon under, splendid ombre maxi dress, family time{ splendid ombre maxi dress ℅ South Moon Under }

I wore my newest maxi dress so I was comfortable, but still myself. After a week of wearing super casual athletic gear and tennies, I definitely needed to dress up a little to keep my sanity. Since it was just a simple cook out, I wore sandals and no other accessories. I wish I had a long necklace to wear, but I completely forgot to pack jewelry. Oops!

When was the last time you spent time with family?

Photos by Johnny Cheng.