Rush Hour

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March 18, 2021

It’s 7:30am and for some reason your 7:00am alarm didn’t do its job. Now you’re running around trying to look put together, eat breakfast and still make it to work on time. It’s no doubt that we’d all like to get in a few more minutes of beauty sleep than we ever really do.

I recently started a new job and I found myself hitting the snooze button more and more as the work week went on. I put together this little guide to help myself squeeze in that extra 10 minutes of my beloved sleep and wanted to share it with you all! Here’s what I’ve learned:

Shower the night before. For me, a shower makes me want to crawl back into bed in the morning so I like to shower at night when I actually can crawl into bed afterward. I  dry my hair at night and go over it a few times with my straightener in the morning. If your hair is anything like mine, the summer is even easier when my hair curls as soon as I walk out of the door. Throw some mousse in your hair and go on your way! I love Garnier Fructis Curl Constructor Mousse.

Have your outfit laid out. Or at least have your outfit picked out in your head. I used to do this in college all the time – it seriously limits your time standing in front of your closet in the morning. This way, you know exactly where your clothes are and that they are clean. For those nights where you are so exhausted and can’t bare to think about the next day, have a safety outfit always ready in your closet.

Less is more. When it comes to makeup, you’re in luck that in a professional environment less is always more. This makes your makeup routine simplified in the morning. Use your basic foundation (I’m partial to Smashbox cosmetics), blush and mascara. You’ll feel and look pulled together while still looking natural – and saving precious time in the morning by not applying tons of layers.

Grab and go. Have granola bars, or my favorite, Special K Bars, stocked in your cabinets. For the mornings where a bowl of cereal or even a piece of toast just doesn’t fit in your schedule, you can have a granola bar while driving to work. Sometimes I even throw extras in my purse just in case.

I love my sleep and aim for at least 8 hours a night. With these easy tricks I have my routine down to a science and can usually get out the door within a half an hour when I have to!

What are your morning routines? Do you have any tricks to get you out of bed or out of the door quicker?