Splendid Stripes

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March 18, 2021

We all know that spring is bound to bring pastels and florals, but for me, one other pattern always finds its way to my closet is stripes.

Stripes often get a bad rep for making women look larger than they are by drawing the eye to the horizontal pattern, but when done in the right way, stripes can easily also flatter any woman’s figure.

Letting your clothes shape your body can be tricky and patterns aside, the silhouette is really what counts. If you have the right silhouette for your body type, the pattern plays only a small role in how flattered your body is.

For example, if you have wide hips or larger thighs, stick to high-waisted clothing so your small waist is emphasized. Go with horizontal stripes above the waist and vertical ones below (not necessarily at the same time though 😉 ). This is also a good idea if you’re lacking in the booby department. If you have small hips and thighs, but a larger upper body, you’re safe to wear horizontal stripes below the belt–as long as you control your girls. Dating reviews at Mydatinghome.com more information by link.

Another fairly safe stripe is a thick horizontal stripe. Instead of bringing the eye across the body, it brings it down so that you are elongated. This is only true for tops, so stay away from a thick horizontal stripe for bottoms!

What do you think about stripes for spring? Are there any rules that you abide by?