The Truth about Refined Sugar
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March 18, 2021
Sugar, glucose, Splenda, Sweet n Low, high fructose corn syrup, stevia: with so many options, how is a girl to know which one to choose? We all hear the bad effects of sugar and it’s fat-causing family, but are there benefits? And when do the benefits turn into sugar-highs and depressing crashes?
The truth is: we don’t need sugar. The sweet crystals are completely devoid of nutrients, and our bodies were not made to digest it. World renowned health author Dr. Carolyn Dean explains this. “The body must actually draw from its nutrient reserves to metabolize it. When these storehouses are depleted, the body becomes unable to properly metabolize fatty acids and cholesterol, leading to higher cholesterol and triglyceride levels.”
es, the healthiest sugars are the natural ones. Sugars are found in fruits, vegetable, grains, beans and other natural foods. If our diet was restricted to these earthly foods, we would all be fine. But, of course, almost everything we eat is processed, which results in refined sugar.
In 1957, Dr. William Coda Martin classified refined sugar as a poison, which is medically defined as ‘any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease.’ –William Duffy of The Global Healing Center: Natural Health & Organic Living
Refined sugar is defined as sugar that is extracted from nature, therefore leaving behind all beneficial nutrients. This includes table sugar, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and the sugar in soda, candy, pastries, etc. Besides causing obesity, sugar also has the power to break down the immune system, making one prone to illness. In fact, refined sugar is directly linked with diabetes, heart disease, and several forms of cancer.
“Sugar-free” sweeteners sound like a pretty good option right about now, huh? Not so fast: these powders can actually be even more harmful than sugar. Aspartame, which is found in some zero calorie sweeteners, has been linked to seizures, severe migraines, confusion, balance problems, birth defects, emotional conditions, and even brain tumors. When sugar is a must, opt for something natural like unprocessed honey. Dean suggests stevia. “Stevia is an extremely safe herb that is not only an excellent sweetener, but it actually lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics by helping to regulate pancreatic function. And unlike sugar, which weakens the immune system, stevia has antimicrobial properties and actually helps the body fight off colds and flus.”
“If you can’t completely cut sugar from your diet, due to eating out and not being in control of ingredients, try not to ingest more than two or three teaspoons a day. That way you will stay well below 70 pounds annually (20 teaspoons daily) which is the cut off point for sugar-induced chronic disease.” –Dr. Carolyn Dean
Would you give up refined sugar and sugar-free sweeteners? Trust me, it’s easier said than done!